ECRA Projects

Current Projects Underway

These are some current activities which ECRA are undertaking in our community. Click on each title to learn more.


Dune Stairs

Helping Dune Protection with Public Access Stairs

ECRA is raising funds to build more stair access to our beautiful beaches. This is to ensure everyone can enjoy the beach but that our dunes are preserved and will help protect us in future storms. The first set were built at Indicas. Two more sets are planned - at the ballfield public access and at the chlorea graveyard in town. If you know of other public beach accesses which need stairs to protect the dune, please contact us so we can consider if it is possible.


Beach Clean up

Partnering with Friends of the Environment.

ECRA is delighted to partner with Friends of the Environment on a beach clean-up project which will take place on 8 June, to coincide with the World Ocean’s Day. Meet at 11:30AM on 8th June at St James Community Centre. BYO water bottle. See you there!


Clearing vehicle debris from the island.

We are working to remove the abandoned vehicles from the island, particularly from the pile which has grown at White Sound. Efforts have been assisted by Abacays, C&C Waste, Adam Love and others.


Marine Debris Removal

Cleaning up our sea beds.

Partnering with Friends of the Environment and IDEA to help remove marine debris in the Elbow Cay area. This work is currently underway and supported by ECRA.


Putting volunteers to work to get the little things accomplished

Combining small donations with local volunteers, ECRA helps coordinate and manage small restoration, recovery and resilience tasks which build us back better and stronger one small step at a time. Clink on the title link above to learn more about our current tasks or to volunteer your time.

Key Assistance Programmes Completed by ECRA

Here are some of our flagship assistance programmes which have helped local residents restore their homes after Dorian.


Flagship programme to dry in local homes ahead of the 2020 Hurricane Season


Community prioritised assistance for those most in need


Working with Hope4HopeTown to turn fapping tarps to secure roofs.


A start for those facing total loss of their homes

Collaborative Projects - Working Together


Elbow Cay Community Clinic

Working with Nurse Glori, Thomson Group and Restore Hope Foundation, ECRA assisted with a needs assessment and plan to restore the old clinic. The project was completed in 2020 and the old clinic is looking better than ever. Currently Nurse Glori is running COVID testing and health care services.


Distributing Donated Insulation

ECRA helped distribute-R-19 and R-30 to homeowners.


ECRA always seeks to work in coordination and collaboration with other organisations on Elbow Cay. We do so to maximise efforts without duplication, and to amplify all our efforts and resources towards restoring Elbow Cay!


Distributing Donated Mattresses, Bed Linen and Towels

Since January 2020, ECRA has received many donated home goods for distribution to local residents. Recently ECRA distributed bath, hand and face towels, as well as queen sized fitted sheets.


Working with donors get help on the ground

ECRA has been able to assist on some pass-throughs donations and grants to allow donors to support local projects on the ground. There are specific rules on this assistance. Please contact our team for further information.


Debris Removal

ECRA can be seen out there regularly assisting in the removal of debris from around the island using our donated trailers and heavy equipment. The ECRA Executive Team has also helped coordinate with DRA and others to keep dump sites open longer and to get debris off the island.

ECRA trailers remain available for use at construction sites for debris removal. Trailers can be brought to the transfer site with a charge back to the client. Contact Reinhold for more information.


Working with Inspirational Local Partners!

ECRA has also been very proud to partner with Marina Cash in her incredible work to help those most in need repair their homes. She is an example to us all – how one individual can achieve so much by simply getting up and getting on with it! Thank you, Marina, for all that you have done for our community! Through the ECRA Home Repairs Assistance Programme we have been able to provide building materials, cash for labour and passthrough donations.


Helping house our local police officers

ECRA helped HTC provide accommodation for the two local police officers for the first few months after their arrival.