We want to say thank you to all our supporters!

Since we began in January 2020, there have been so many donors, contributors, volunteers and supporters. We wanted to dedicate a page to thank you all!

We also thought Elbow Cay Community would like to know more about some of our donors, partners and collaborators. Please note that some of our supporters wish to remain anonymous so not all are mentioned here. You all know who you are!

HOPE4HOPETOWN S.I.P Songwriters In Paradise

In addition to their collaboration and donations to other projects, Hope4HopeTown-SIP donated heavy equipment for debris removal. Thanks Chris B Carroll, Ed Strobel and all the others from Hope4Hopetown and the other groups who made this possible. The smaller heavy equipment (For areas that can't be reached with the larger gear) are a huge asset to the island!!


Samaritan’s Purse has been a real angel to our community. It has been a real pleasure to work with such a professional and dedicated organisation which really does provide life-saving and life-sustaining support after disasters. We are particularly proud to have worked on roofs and removing debris alongside them.

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HTVFR provided funds to support ECRA’s restoration and Home Assistance Programmes. We have been working closely with them since we started in January 2020.

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Hope Town Rising has been our partner on several exciting projects, and we continue to work together on some critical future community infrastructure projects.


C&C Waste has always been there with trucks, heavy machinery and labour when we have called upon them looking for help. Just recently Clay and his team helped move many abandoned vehicles around the island as well as old Fire and Rescue boats and vehicles, and sailing club dinghy which did not survive the storm.

“However, community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another. Community is the fruit of our capacity to make the interests of others more important than our own. The question, therefore, is not ‘How can we make community?’ but, ‘How can we develop and nurture giving hearts?’”

— Henry Nouwen